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Brand Recognition
For more than 100 years, the BBB brand has been synonymous with trustworthiness. When potential clients or customers see our recognizable BBB Seal attached to your Accredited Business, they know your company maintains high ethical standards and your business practices will meet or exceed their expectations.
Online Exposure
Every Accredited Business receives a customizable BBB Profile, which includes consumer reviews and the ability for potential customers to immediately request a quote for your services. Accredited Businesses are also listed in our online BBB Unified Directory with a link to your company’s website and contact information.
Networking Opportunities
We offer programs throughout the year that enable you to mingle with other Accredited Business executives, as well as learn from experts and notable leaders. These connections may result in valuable new business relationships and insights.
Better Business Bureau provides workshops, webinars, newsletters, and other useful business tools to help your company gain a competitive advantage and be more credible with customers. Each month, Accredited Businesses receive our "Monthly Insights" email that includes:
The Better Business Bureau trustmark has over a century of customer trust behind it and is recognized as the symbol of credibility and integrity that only BBB Accredited Businesses can display.
Become an Accredited Business to start using the BBB Accredited Business Seal.
See what others are saying about being a BBB Accredited Business.
BBB’s Accredited Business Seal counts for a lot. Most of my business is from word-of-mouth referrals, but I think seeing the seal gives an extra level of trust.
Clients viewed our BBB Profile and trusted our BBB Accredited Business A+ rating, and this was enough for them to order from our website—and we are talking 10K orders!
We do over $6M in revenue annually. Seventy percent of our business is out of state. Customers are looking for assurance we are a dependable and honest organization. They routinely look to BBB for verification. Probably every day.
DISCLAIMER: The above written testimonials and video testimonials are real-life accounts however they may not be typical reflections of BBB Accreditation as actual results may vary.